Discover the 2023 Setup for your wedding.

4 Moving Heads robotized (nice wall effects and decoration)
2 Beams (bee effect, ray of color lights)
4 LED COB 200W ( High Power light to change color of a room)
Sunlight software to control room light and colors, choose your pattern and colors for your wedding
1 Fog Machine (gives a nice atmosphere for the light system) (can work with heat smoke detectors)
1 Smoke Machine (fast smoke CO2 alike effect)
1 Heavy Smoke Machine (Optional) for the first dance gives a magnificent foggy floor (ice needed)
1 Video Projector + Screen (Optional) / 4K 58″ LED TV + Stand ( Optional) to project your movies and names during the evening
ElectroVoice Speakers x4 (including 2 subs) up to 150 guests with hifi résolution !
1 Wireless Mic Senheiser up to 100m range
1 Pioneer XDJ XZ mix table (DJ leading brand and model in music industry)